Immersive Evening: Facing the World with Soul & Why It Matters

Live Event Program

Thursday, March 21st, 2024

Presenter: Francis Weller

Francis Weller is a psychotherapist, writer, and soul activist. He is a master of synthesizing diverse streams of thought from psychology, anthropology, mythology, alchemy, indigenous cultures and poetic traditions. Author of the bestselling, The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief, and In the Absence of the Ordinary: Essays in a Time of Uncertainty, he has introduced the healing work of ritual to thousands of people. He is the Founder/Director of WisdomBridge, an organization that offers educational programs that seek to integrate the wisdom from traditional cultures with the insights and knowledge gathered from western poetic and spiritual traditions.

Francis received two Master’s Degrees from John F. Kennedy University in Clinical Psychology and Transpersonal Psychology. His work was featured in The Sun magazine, The Utne Reader and most recently he was a guest on “All There Is” with Anderson Cooper. He is completing his third book, Facing the World with Soul and Why It Matters.

Limited copies of Francis’ books will be available, with a signing after the program.

Live Music: Jared Ray Gilmore

Jared Ray Gilmore

Jared is a classically trained pianist gone rogue. He has been creating music for 25 years as a music producer and audio engineer and has a handful of albums on all streaming platforms under the name “Jared Ray”. Jared is also a prolific content creator and a Jungian Depth Coach. He’s very excited to share his love of piano with our community!

Instagram | Spotify

Featured Artist: Britta Baker

Artist Britta Baker at the Jung Society of Utah

Britta Baker's Art“Invest in the living world” pretty much sums up Brittas’ entire outlook on life – how we create inside, for and from it. They are a color-obsessed experimental artist, painting mostly with bleach and CMYK printer ink, but will never be found without a sketchbook and clutch of homemade fude pens in hand, ready to play cartographer to the strange geography of being.


Opening Circlesong: Carl Rabke

Carl Rabke is a Somatic Naturalist and a tender of soul and living culture. For the last 25 years he has practiced and taught where the streams of somatics, soul-work, and a deep love of this living Earth meet. He is a Feldenkrais and Structural Integration practitioner and loves to support people in remembering our natural, inherent intelligence in movement, meditation, ritual, song, rhythm and community.


Opening Poet: Lisa Bickmore

Utah Poet Laureate Lisa Bickmore at the Jung Society of Utah

Lisa Bickmore is the author of three books of poems. The second, flicker (2016), won the 2014 Antivenom Prize (Elixir Press). She won the 2015 Ballymaloe International Poetry Prize for the poem ‘Eidolon,’ which appears in her third collection, Ephemerist (Red Mountain Press). She is the founder/publisher of the new independent nonprofit Lightscatter Press. In July 2022, she was named the Poet Laureate for the state of Utah, and in 2023 was awarded a fellowship from the Academy of American Poets for poets laureate.

Website | Instagram

Limited copies of Lisa’s book, flickr, will be available, with a signing after the program.

Opening Poem: in the clearing

a squirrel maybe two of them

spiral the tree trunks

sketch the line

the shortest distance between

two points

they consider whatever consideration

looks like how to get

into the little cabin

my brother only son

has assumed the care

of this place

I see the fishing tackle waders

my father’s I mean


my brother also uses them

hanging from a nail

inside the screened in

porch hear

the dryer turning

towels and underclothes

heave and fall

the shed to my right


with paints poisons

along one side the hammocks

inner tubes camp chairs

along the other

we need

a conference to discern

what should stay

and what go

yesterday my mother

combed my hair

first time since I was a child I think

she wanted

to see how its waves

behaved she said

to sit in patience

for her hands

my old urge to flee

that tenderness that only here

in the house my father made

with his father is it possible

the moon waxes

so at night

the stars we can see

depend upon

whether the moon

has risen

but there are still

always stars visible or no

my brother likes to trim the trees

that shade the house

he wants to see the house’s face

from the road they used to wear

their long skirts and now

their legs are bare

a long-legged spider threads

its way over the clearing floor

in the neighbor’s driveway

asters thrive with moths

grey with one blue eye

orange and black

I feel lonelier here

where we can speak

with the dead because

their handiwork

is everywhere

the bright

windows of the house glow

even in deepest night

and the river where no one

takes fish anymore moves

and the waders gleam

as if they had stepped just now

to shore

Thank you to Desert Morning Counseling for generously sponsoring this special evening!

Thank you to our in-kind partners:

Christian West Photography

Full Circle Yoga