Your One Wild and Precious Life – Workshop

The premise of Jean Bolen’s Jungian and spiritual perspective begins with the certainty that it matters what we do with our “one wild and precious life,” a quote from the poet, Mary Oliver. Most of us have an innate sense that there is a purpose in life, related to the idea that life is a soul journey. To do what we came to do and be who we were meant to be is not so easy.  Especially in the midst of unchosen circumstance. Vulnerability and loss are both mythic and deeply personal experiences–as is aging.  What now? Jung’s individuation, Campbell’s finding your personal myth, the hero or heroine’s journey, Persephone’s abduction into the underworld, Hecate at the crossroad, Artemis in the wilderness, are archetypal patterns that can provide insights to support us on our journey.

  • Developing admirable qualities that lay dormant within you
  • Evoking different archetypes to reveal paths leading to your most authentic, whole, and joyful life
  • Taking the wheel and become the protagonist in your own life

This is a live / interactive workshop from 10a – 1pm MST on Saturday, Feb 27th, 2021.


Your One Wild and Precious Life