“A Dream of Burning: Reclaiming Our Wild Soul”

Working with the archetype of the Predator is central to the recovery of our wild soul. The soul came here for full participation. We are designed to inhabit this shimmering world and to contribute our voice to the vibrant chorus. Too often the generous song of the soul gets blocked before breaking into the air. The fire and passion in our voice smolders, flickers and dwindles. We hear another voice encouraging us to live small, cautious, and safe. We often walk in the world apologetically, looking for approval. Who is this “other” that inhibits and diminishes our reach into the world? Is there a purpose to be found in this encounter?

Reclaiming our authority and authenticity requires we confront the energies of the Predator. This is more than a psychological process; it is a mythic journey into the core of our soul’s aliveness. Join us for an evening exploring the many ways Predator shows up in our lives and how we may find our ways past this gatekeeper into fuller expression. Through presentation, poetry, story, and conversation, we will court our wild soul.


Friday • May 20th

7pm – 8:30pm

First Baptist

777 South 1300 East

Free Event ($10 Donations recommended)

Includes 1 CEU for JSOU members only

($10 CEU for non-members)



Francis Weller is a psychotherapist, writer and soul activist. He is a master of synthesizing diverse streams of thought from psychology, anthropology, mythology, alchemy, indigenous cultures and poetic traditions. Author of The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief, and In the Absence of the Ordinary: Essays in a Time of Uncertainty, he has introduced the healing work of ritual to thousands of people. He is the Founder/Director of WisdomBridge, an organization that offers educational programs that seek to integrate the wisdom from traditional cultures with the insights and knowledge gathered from western poetic and spiritual traditions.

Francis received two Master’s Degrees from John F. Kennedy University in Clinical Psychology and Transpersonal Psychology. His work was featured in The Sun magazine and The Utne Reader. He is completing his third book, The Alchemy of Initiation: Soul Work and the Art of Ripening.